of bh with t. St. 53 contains the exhortion that one should set (yunjiyāt) one's energy from case to case in a thoughtful way on samyama, (which would thereby progressively increase) : by flowers and fruit (ādi) one preserves the primary cause, (the seed) for (new) blossoms. Therewith the chapter concludes. This attempt of an explanation of the Isibhāsiyāim be however concluded with the request to promote, by emendations of this attempt at an edition and interpretation, the understanding of the unique work, which embodies a special tradition. abbambha-pariggaha
ā vāha-vivāha 27 active voice instead of passive āyāna 4 voice 9
baddha-cindha 14 adaņī 26
Bhaddā 21 adatt’ankurôdaya 36
bhejjatā 38 adayam 1
bhijjaehim 45 addha=andha? 26
bhojjā 33 agandhaņa 45
bhojjo 39 -āim Acc. Pl. masc. 9
bitiyam 21 alam Adj. 88
būhanatā 13 āmisa 41.45
chiastic figure 12 ānaccă 11
citthe 36 āņākova (-koha) 45
dhammā 22 anala 45
double passive voice 9 . anga 44
dupāņa 15 aņupassato 27
Dvandva in the singular apaļinna 34
number 45 apaliuncamāna 39 aparisādi 22
-ejjāsi 7 appaņiyā 14
esiyā=aisyat 31 ara-kīda 8
gabbha-vāsā 2 āram pāram 8
gāha 45 arati(yā) 22
ganda 23 atāreluka 24
gocchaņava 26 -āti instead of -ati 4
hīdā 35 atta 45
icchati=rcchati 15 attālaka 35
interchange of cases 2 488 TAHIRISTES
e 5