p. 117, note 10) from all bondage, and causes no future forms of manifestation (veșa) by retaliation actions. The ordinary person (dīņa, gen. instead of instr.), however (st. 3) thinks only of the preservation of his body, while the longing for death and the knowledge of the identity of the self with the world of the living (nānyatva) plays no part (hāyati).
35. Four cases (thāņa), manifest in the cardinal faults, lead to the disregard of other being and result in wandering about in the Samsāra. Conduct according to the precept, causes cessation of those fundamental evils. The exposition particularly stresses that everybody should mind his own business and be wakeful in his house, lest outward influences rob him of his moral assets (st. 18ff.) In st. 10 te vatthū = tāni vastūni. hidā (st. 18,22) may be = hitthā, like ada = attha- (-eight) and an adhastāt-kurman may be equivalent to a nīcaiḥ-karman, as base action. ņāhisi (21) is a counterpart to ņajjai of the Paumacariya (Jacobi, Bhavisatta Kahā 60). Obviously the pres. pass. extant in jñāyate, can alterate with the fut. act. in the meaning of 'as’. Just so nāhisi āram kao param Sūy. 12,1,8 is to be understood : 'why (should) life yonder (be) as the life here?' (deviating Jacobi SBE 45,259 according to Šīlānka). On account of the caesura of the Aryas beginning in st. 17, attālaka is considered as a compound here and in 21.
36. This chapter is linked up with the preceding one by the subject of krodha. The latter emarges clearly enough from the stanzas of the exposition. In the motto, it is pre-supposed by utpatat, which seems to play the same part here as the samjvalana krodha in the theory of the kaṣāya. Cp. also Dhammapada 222. ‘To one who goes up in violently blazing-up (anger), I will speak with a friendly (word). What (however) shall I say to a peaceful one? (In any case) not : 'you empty-headed fellow' (literally : “You empty husk'). “The half-Sloka now following states : “The anger of myself and others which is let loose on an object (pātra) brings harm', where, it is true, instead of the three hard genitives,