Comparable with : नालंदाए समीवे मणोहरे भासि इन्दभूइणा उ।
अज्झयणं उदगस्स उ एयं नालन्दइज्जं तु।। पासावचिज्जो पुच्छियाइयो अज्जगोयंम उदगो। सावगपुच्छा धम्मं सोउं कहियम्मि उवसन्ता।।
agai Prefifca 204, 205 Although, from the view point of antiquity and rhyming, the verses of Rishimandal appear to be of later period as compared to the verses of Sutrakritang-Niryukti, still both have the similarity of style.
The said comparative similarity leads to the inference that some Niryukti on Rishibhashit must have been written. The verses of this Niryukti must have been included in original or varied form, first in Isimandal and later in Rishimandal Prakaran (Isimandal), believed to have been written by Dharmaghosh. The mention of majority of the Rishis of Rishibhashit in Rishimandal confirms the belief that even if the available edition of Isimandal is not accepted as the Niryukti of Rishibhashit or the Isimandalatthu mentioned in Acharanga-Churni, one thing is clear that it contains many verses of those works.
Today there are many works, available, having the name Rishimandal. Some of these are in Sanskrit and others in Prakrit. We get information about these from the catalogues of libraries of manuscripts in Khambhat, and Jaisalmer and also in the bookJinaratna-Kosh. But in this analysis we are concerned with the Prakrit work Isimandal (Rishimandal) popularly supposed to have been written by Dharmaghosh-suri. Generally speaking the Rishimandal, written in Prakrit language, is belived to be a work by Dharmaghosh-suri belonging to the Tapagachhiya sect. His period is the early fourteenth century; but this has not been accepted conclusively. There are many reasons for this:
1. Khartargachha, Tapagachha, Achalgachha and Upkeshgachha all have Acharyas named Dharmagosh-suri in the chronoligical list of their Acharyas. In the last verse of Rishimandal only 'Siridhammaghosam' is mentioned. As