As regards Vaishraman's preachings, he initially states simple preachings about containment of lust and not indulging in evil deeds. With this he conveys the importance of Ahimsa and directs towards observing Ahimsa by presenting the ideal of equality of all life with the self.313 This chapter contains examples like serpents of Agandhan variety314, pot of oil315, and comparison of good and evil Karma with gold and iron shackles.316 These examples have further evolved in Uttaradhyayan, Dashvaikalik, Avashyak-churni, Kalpa-Sutra commentary, and Samayasar of Kundkund.
It is clearly evident that there is no facet of Jain religion and philosophy that does not have its basic root available in Rishibhashit. In fact, the need of the day is that a detailed, and comparative study of the personalities of Rishibhashit and their preachings is seriously under taken. A valuable achievement of such a study would be that the proximity of various religious traditions in India will be revealed as also the sources of thoughts and ideas that have been absorbed by the Jain tradition.
It also seems necessary to discuss here about Rishibhashit Niryukti and Rishi Mandal, In the Niryukti works of Acharya Bhadrabahu, Rishibhashit has been mentioned in AvashyakNiryukti and Sutrakritang-Niryukti. In Avashyak-Niryukti, promising to write a Niryukti on Rishibhashit, he writes the following verse.
आवस्सगस्स दसकालिअस्स तह उत्तरज्झमायारे । सूयगडे निज्जुतिं वुच्छामि तहा दसाणं च ।। कप्पस य निज्जुतिं ववहारस्सेव परमणिउणस्स । सूरि अपण्णत्तीए, वुच्छं इसिभसिआणं च।। - आवश्यक निर्युक्ति 84-85
After this, in the Sutrakritang Niryukti, explaining the importance and style of Rishibhashit he says:
तह वि य कोई अत्थो उप्पज्जइ तम्मि समयम्मि | पुव्वभणिओ अणुमओ य होइ इसिभासिएसु जहा । ।
— सूत्रकृतांगनिर्युक्ति 181 Rishibhashit: A Study 217