It is a matter of doubt, if Pingi of Suttanipat should be taken as Ping of Rishibhashit or his disciple, but all this goes to prove the historicity of the Arhat Rishi of Rishibhashit named Ping. In the Atthakatha of Suttanipata Pingi has been addressed as Arhat254. As such there is a possibility of Ping of Suttanipat being non else but Ping of Rishibhashit.
Mahabharat255 mentions one Rishi named Pingal. But it is difficult to connect him with Ping of Rishibhashit on basis of their period and other facts.
The thirtythird chapter of Rishibhashit is about the preachings of Mahashalputra Arun. Besides Rishibhashit mention of Arun is not found anywhere in canonical and other Jain literature. Rishibhashit calls him Mahashalputra Arun256. Question is that who is this Arun Rishi? In fact Arun is a Upanishadic Rishi. Schubring eqates Arun with the Upanishadic Rishi Aaruni257, which is incorrect because Aaruni's other name is Uddalak and Rishibhashit contains an independent chapter on Uddalak. The word Aaruni itself indicates that he was either a descendent or disciple of Arun. As such Mahashal Arun was either father or teacher of Aaruni Uddalak. In the Vedic encyclopidia and names appendix of Mahabharat258 AaruniUddalak is one person and Arun is his father. According to Shatpath Brahman and Brihadaranyakopanishad his full name was 'Arun Aupaveshi Gautam’. He was called Aupaveshi as he was a disciple of Upaveshi and Gautam as he belonged to the Gautam clan259.
Now the question is that what is the reason behind adding Mahashalputra before his name mentioned in Rishibhashit? According to Chhandogyopanishad the Brahmans trained by Ashwapati were called Mahashal260; as Arun was also trained by Ashwapati, he may have been called Mahashalputra. Thus it is proved that Mahashalputra Arun of Rishibhashit is the Upanishadic Rishi Arun Aupaveshi Gautam and father and teacher of Aaruni Uddalak. The name of Sanjaya, the ruler of
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