Karma principles have been propogated. This Chapter confirms that life is directed by Karma, and attachment is the cause of sorrow. It also explains that the transition of Karma in attachment and vice versa is cyclic like seed and plant. The cycle of Karma is terminated by wiping out attachment first as destruction of roots destroys leaves, flowers, and fruits of a tree. This concept of Karma can also be found in chapters 13, 15, 24, and 30 of Rishibhashit. Similar details are also available in Jain tradition in the thirty second chapter of Uttaradhyayan.
Similarly, the third chapter of Asit Deval in Rishibhashit contains the concept of sin being same as adhesive; this concept is popular in Jain tradition having a particular mention in Acharanga. This chapter also contains the mention of Panch Mahavrat, four Kashaya as well as eighteen sins from Himsa to Mithyadurshan Shalya. Also included is the form and details of Moksha which is Shiv, Atul, Amal, Avyaghat, Apurnabhava, Apunaravrata and Shashvat. Similar description of Moksha is available elsewhere in Jain canonical literature. The mention of Panch Mahavrat and four Kashaya can be found in many chapters of Rishibhashit.
The ninth chapter of Mahakashyap contains details of Punya, Papa, Samvar, and Nirjara. This chapter mentions Kashaya also. In the ninth chapter, while discussing inflow of Karma, the causes have been named as Mithyatva Drishti, Pramad, Kashaya, and Yoga; which is similar to that in the Jain tradition. It also contains many Jain traditional words like Upkram, Buddha, Sprishtha, Nikachit, Nirjirna, Siddhi, Shaileshi Avastha, Predashodaya, Vipakodaya, etc. The concept of the soul being eternal and transitory, the form of Siddha stage and the process of bondage and shedding of Karma, mentioned in this chapter are same as those in Jain philosophy.
Similarly the concepts of Dravya, Kshetra, Kala, and Bhavu are also found in many chapters. The twelfh chapter of Yajnavalkya talks about process of Gochri and Shuddhaishana which are same as in Jain tradition. “Soul is the doer of Karma and sufferer of consequences bad or good,' has been mentioned in the fifteenth chapter of Madhurayan. The seventeenth chapter
Rishibhashit : A Study