Publisher's Note
We are pleased to present before our learned readers this 46th Pushpa of Prakrit Bharti, Published jointly by Prakrit Bharti Academy, Jaipur and Shri Jain Swetamber Nakoda Parshwanath Teerth, Mewanagar.
Rishibhashit is an invaluable treasure, not only of the Jain tradition but also of Indian, Vedic, Buddhist and Shraman traditions. This work is a compilation of thoughts, basic principles, ideas, philosophical and moral teachings of original thinkers, traditionally addressed as Teerthankars, Shramans, Rishis, Maharshis, Parivrajaks etc; belonging to the period between 10th to 6th century B.C. All that is there is authentic. Inter-traditional bias or antagonism is not at all evident, equanimity reflects every where. Besides Utkal every ascetic, whether he is Teerthankar, Parivrajak, Rishi or Shraman, has been reverently addressed as Arhat.
Credit goes to the unbiased approach of Jain Shraman tradition that they not only preserved this invaluable work but also gave it an important and deserved place in their canons, keeping away from the normal traditionalism. Nandisutra and Pakshiksutra have confirmed its inclusion in canons as anthological works. Even the ritrial procedures for its study have been prescribed as for other canonical works.
In prevailing complex communal atmosphere, where nationalism is disintegrating under the self destructive pressures within communities, such exceptional collection of thoughts of equanimity and assimilation can promote and enhance moral values. Only such moral values can revive Indianism in future.
In the past, some editions have been published with original text and English or Hindi notes and translation. But a good bilingual translation was never published. Our craving to publish original text with English as well as Hindi translations