References Cited
Targe but shallow flakes have been removed so as to form a wavy edge at its junction with sloping and 'boldly retouched upper surface. Another edge has been made almost at right angles to the above by removing à large, but narrow, flake by striking on the under surface. This might have served as a convenient handhold, or have been used for scraping skin or wood. The tool was found in situ in the exposed glaco-fluvial deposit on the right bank of the Sind at Prang (lat. 34°17'N, long. 74°53'E) and can be ascribed to the Second Glacial.
10. Chopper, on a plano-convex pebble of whitish quartzite, 8.4x7.3x3 cm. Two large flakes have been removed from one of the longer sides, using the under surface as a platform. Probably the opposite side was also flaked, to provide a suitable handhold. This tool was found in the same context as No. 9.
11. Scraper-chopper on a ovoid flatbased pebble half, 13.6x9.1x5.7 cm. of olive-green quartzite. It is heavily rolled, so that the bulb of percussion on the under surface and the end of a large fl.. ke scar on the left longitudinal side have been practically effaced. Slightly younger scars are seen on the end opposite the butt and on the left underside. This tool was found in situ in the morainic deposit of the Second Glacial at Sonmarg (lat. 34°18 N, long. 75°18 E) on the left bank of the Sind.
12. Large borer on a flat slab of grey schist, 16.6x10.5x3.3 cm. A beak like curved point has been produced by flaking at one of the narrow ends of the slab. This has resulted in a very efficient pointed tool, This tool was fourd in 1969 on the mound overlooking the right bank of the West Liddar at Pahlgam. The mound also has a 10th-century temple. As a surface find, this tool assumed significance only with the discovery in situ cf similer borers it Ganeshpur in 1970 (see Nos. 5 and 6 above).
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DE TERRA, H. and T. T. PATERSON. 1939. Studies on the Ice Age in India and associated human cultures Carnegie Institute of Washington publ. no. 499.
FEJFAR, OLDRICH. 1969. Human remains from the early Pleistocene in Czechoslovakia. CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY 10:170-73.
GRINLINION, JOHN L. 1928. The former glaciation of the East Liddar Valley. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India 49 pt. 2.
KRETZOI, M. and J. VERTES. 1965. Upper Biharian (Intermindel) pebble-industry occupation site in Western Hungary. CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY 6:74-87.
OAKLEY, KENNETH P. 1964. Frameworks for dating fossil man. Chicago: ldine.
PATERSON. T. T. and H. J. H. DRUMMOND. 1962. Soan : The Paleaolithic of Pakistan. Karachi : Government of Pakistan.
POTTER, STEPHEN C. 1970. Quaternary glacial record in Swat Kohistan, West Pakistan Geological Society of America Bulletin 81 : 1421-40.
SANKALIA, H. D. 1965. "Palacolithic Neolithic and Copper Age" in The Vedic Age. Edted by R. C. Majumdar, A. D. Pusalkar, and A. K. Majumdar. Fourth impression. Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
VISHNU-MITTRE, GURDIN SINGH, and K. M. S. SAKSENA. 1962. Pollen-analytical investigations of the Lower Karewas. The palaeobotanist 11 : 92-95.
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