2. BHARATIYA ASMITA PART ITTo aid the student in uncovering the inner will to aim in the sciences that make for knowledge should be grow and to progress-that should be the constant to discover and understand the workings of the Divine endeavour of the teacher :
Consciousness-Puissarce in man and creatures and
things and forces, her creative significances, her execuTo evolve a programme of education for each stu
tion of the mysteries, the symbols in which she arranges dent in accordance with the felt needs of student's
the manifestation. The Yogin's aim in the practical growth; to watch the students with deep sympathy,
sciences, whether mental and physical or occult and understanding and patience, ready to intervene and
psychic, should be to enter into the ways of the Divine guide as and when necessary, to stimulate the students
and his processes, to know the materials and means with striking words, ideas, questions, stories, projects
for the work given to us so that we may use that and programmes; this should be the main work of the teachers;
knowledge for a conscious and faultless expression of
the spirit's mastery, joy and self-fulfilment. The Yogin's But to radiate inner calm and cheerful dynamism so
aim in the Arts should not be a mere aesthetic, mental as to create an atmosphere conducive to the develop- or vital gratification, but, seeing the Divine everywhere, ment of higher faculties of inner knowledge and intui. worshipping it with a revelation of the meaning of its tion--that may be regarded as the heart of the work works, to express that One Divine in gods and men and of the teachers..
creatures and objects. The theory that sees an intimate (i) An adequate organisation of the above working
connection between religious aspiration and truest and of the Free Progress System would heed the following:
greatest Art is in essence right; but we must substitute
for the mixed and doubtful religious motive a spiritual (1) A Room or Rooms of Silence, to which students aspiration, vision, interpreting experience.” who would like to do uninterrupted work or would like
of Free The above-mentioned system
Progress to reflect or meditate in silence can go as and when they like;
Classes and the new vision of the knowledge necessitate
new types of text-books and reference books. And (2) Rooms of Consultations, where students can here too, the teachers in the Ashram are engaged in meet their teachers and consult them on various points writing of such new books. This work is a most of their seeking;
pioneering adventure in education, and it has involved (3) Rooms of Collaboration, where students can
teachers in a long, difficult and arduous path of Research. work in collaboration with each other;
There are, golden reaches of our consciousness, and (4) Lecture Rooms, where teachers can hold discu
from them and from the reaches intermediate between ssions with their students and wher they can deliver
them and our ordinary mental consciousness there have lectures-short or long-according to the need.
descended forces and forms which have become emboThe study of each subject can be so directed that
died in literature, philosophy, science, in music, dance, it leads ultimately to the discovery of the fundamental art, architecture, sculpture, in great and heroic deeds truths underlying the subject. These fundamental truths
and in all that is wonderful and precious in the diffefrom ultimately a unity, and at a higher stage a rent organised or as yet unorganised aspects of life. To philosophical study of this unity would itself contribute
put the students in contact with these, eastern or westo the deepening of the sense of Truths which directly
tern, ancient or present, would be to provide them with helps in the maturity of the psychic and spiritual or the air and atmosphere in which they can breathe an yogic aspiration.
inspiration to reach again to those peaks of conscious
ness and to create still newer forms and forces which The sense of the unity of the truths would also
would bring the golden day nearer for humanity. contribute to the reconciliation of the various branches of knowledge, thus leading to the harmony of Science, The teachers and scholars at the Ashram are preoPhilosophy, Technology and Fine Arts. In the spiritual ccupied with this work, and their research work in this or yogic vision, there is an automatic perception of direction is contained not only in their published or this unity, and in the teaching of the various subjects unpublished books, but also in the actual contents of the teacher can always direct the students to this their day-to-day work and lectures and in their orgaonity, in the wards of Sri Aurobindo : "The Yogin's nisations of exhibitions, of dance, drama, music, and
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