Tē Tavēņa Dhuasavva Pāvayā, Savvaloa Hia Mūla Pāvayā | Santhuā Ajia Santi Pāyayā, Huntu Mē Sivasuhāņa Dāyayā || 34 ||
|| Aparāntikā ||
May Lord Ajitanātha and Lord Shāntinātha, who are holy and worthy of reverence, who are attrtactive on account of the conopy, the chowries, the banner, the Yuga and the Java, who are possessed of excellent marks like the best flag, sea-whale, horse and Srivatsa, who possess the charm similar to the charm of the continent, the ocean, the mount Meru and the quartar elephant, who are made attractive by excellent signs of the swastik, the bull, the lion and the wheel, etc., who are charming by nature, who always maintain their equanimity, who are unpolluted by blemishes, who are alwyas full of virtues, who are equipped with pleasure, who are characterized by penance, who are always worshipped by wealth and prosperties, who are propitiated by the sages, who have washed clean all of their sins, who supply the original seed of the welfare of all the worlds and its people and who are praised in an excellent manner, give me emancipation. 1132-3411 છઠું સ્મરણ-૧૦૧
Sixth Invocation-101
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