Gita; 27 Puranas such as Aditya Puran, Agni Puran; 30 Smruits such as Manu Smruti, Parashar Smruti; 14 Sanhitas Such as Charak Sanhita, Narad Sanhita; 36 Sootra Granths such as Chanakya Sutra, Nyaya Sootra, 11 Brahmin Granths such as Jaiminiya Brahmin, Gopal Brahmin, 16 Nighantu Granths such as Kaipdeva Nighantu, Sodhal Nighantu, 10 Koshgranths such as Amarkosh, Apte kosh, Ogilvi Shabda Kosh. Naylata definition has taken numerous references from the above mentioned scriptures in defining Naylata where Yoga, Philosophy etc. subject matters are established.
• Introduction of the writer of DWATRINSHAD DWATRINSHIKA •
Before 350 years ago, in Gujarat (India), a child born in village ‘KANODA' was named 'JASHWANT'. Jain Muni Shri Nay Vijayji Maharaj gave him 'DIKSHA' and he made him Jain Muni; he was given name, YASHOVIJAY. He, with his Guru, went to KASHI (VARANASI) and studied 'NYAYA', 'SHAD DARSHAN'; he then, became a scholar.
In Kashi (Varanasi) in religious discussions his views always prevailed and he also won against welknown pandit of South India. He glorified the name of Jainism. Flags of Jainism started flowing. He wrote hundreds of new books. He gave innumerable religious discourses on ancient scriptures. Looking to his noble virtues, actions and eligibility, he was given a degree os 'Upadhyaya'. In several books written by Upadhyaya Yashovijay, the book DWATRINSHID DWATRINSHIKA enjoys the topmost position in Yoga and Spiritual Scriptures, He has written on this book a brief, critical definition in 'TATVARTH DIPIKA'. Our respectful PRANAMS at the pious feet of such a scholarly Munishri.
• INTRODUCTION OF THE WRITER OF NAYLATA. Inspired by Param Poojya Acharyashri Bhuvanbhanusuriji's ascetic preachings, a young man called 'Naresh' took Jain Diksha at the age of 18 years. He became disciple of Acharya Bhuvanbhanusurishwarji's disciple, Poojya Panyas Vishwakalyan Vijayji Maharaj. He was given name Yashovijay. Today, he has reached the age of 39 years. Alongwith his ascetic life of Jain Muni, he also gives Religious discourses. In the remaining time, by his creative writings in Sanskrit and other languages, he has been spreading benifits of his deep, profound and scholarly knowledge and wisdom to the world.
After taking Diksha, he has studied intensively Jain Agam, Bauddha TRIPITAK GRANTHS, Brahmin's Veds, Upnishads, GITA etc. etc. After taking Diksha, in its seventh year, on 'BHASHA RAHASYA' granth he wrote a definition called 'MOKSHA RATNA' in the terminology of Tain Nvava. Till date about 40 books
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