[ acea सत्यासत्चविरुद्धधर्मयुगलं नैकत्र युक्तं भवे
दित्येकान्तमतोग्रभूतनिहताः पूत्कुर्वते सर्वतः । पश्यन्तोऽपि विरुद्धवर्णरचनां तन्मेचकेषु स्फुटं
सिध्येद् वै सदसत्तया निजपरात्माख्यादवच्छेदकात् ॥२४॥
In spite of distinctly noticing the contradictory colours in Mechaka ( a kind of gom ) persons who are possessed by an evil spirit in the form of Ekantamata go on prattling everywhere that the couple of contradictory attributes of existence and non-existence is not compatible in one and the same object. Really, every object can be proved as existing when referred to its own nature and as not existing when looked at from the nature of another object. ( 29 )
Notes:—We shall here consider the difficulties that arise in not looking at a substance as existing when referred to its own nature. It is not possible to believe that it exists when referred to the nature of another substance. For, in that case it will be impossible to distinguish the different substances and we shall have to consider all the substances as alikea fact that is opposed to common experience. It is equally unreasonable to believe that a substance is non-existent both from the stand-point of its own nature as well as from that of another substance. For, in that case, there will remain no substance in this world. It will be like accepting the S'unya-vada of the Bauddhas. Hence, it is reasonable to consider that a substance exists so far as its own nature is
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