Day 10
Temple Dwär Opening (Inauguration), First Darshan & Pujä
This is a significant and auspicious event after the Pratishthä of Gabhärä Prätimäjis. After we have Prän Pratishthit («Living») Veeträg Bhagawan in our Temple; (a) to open the Dwär(door) of the temple for the first time, (b) to be the first one to do Darshan of (see) Veeträg Bhagawan and (c) to be first one to do Pujä are the most auspicious things to do. These are the rare opportunities - only a few individuals with good karma (Punya) can have during their lifetime.
Shri SattarBhedi Pujä
It is necessary to perform this Pujä after the Anjan Shalaka Mahotsav or Pratishtha Mahotsav to ask for forgiveness if any mistakes have been encountered while performing any of the rituals during the Mahotsav. This is always performed on the last day of the Mahotsav.
After the Anjan Shalaka ceremonies in India in May 2005, the Pratimajis were brought to the U.K., by air transportation, at the end of June 2005. In order to "purify" the Pratimajis the Adhar Abhishek ceremony was performed on Sunday 10 July 2005.
Adhär (Eighteen) Abhishek Pujä(Eighteen oblations for purity)
The direct translation of Abhishek is "coronation». Abhishek signifies the cleansing of the mind and body as a way to begin pujä. Abhishek Puja is performed for the purification of altar, Pratimäjis and participants. The process involves using eighteen different substances (containing different kinds of pure water, herbs and some special substances) while reciting the auspicious aphorisms and Mantras. It involves cleaning of the altar by sprinkling the water, which has undergone auspicious Mantras, in all directions and cleaning of the Pratimäjis. Several kalashes (pots) of this auspicious water are used for the bathing of the Pratimäjis while participants recite Mantras and auspicious aphorisms.
Bathing and purifying can be done with using ordinary water, but it is miraculously effective when done by the auspicious water. Abhishek is commenced by pouring a stream of the water at the masthak (head) of the Pratimäji and the participants pray wholeheartedly that like the water flows downwards, so should their karmas (wrong-doings) be washed off. There should be a continuous flow of water until the Abhishek is completed and purification has taken place.
It has been said that Abhishek has such powers that many diseases are washed off. ShripalRaja and 700 lepers were cured from leprosy when they bathed in the auspicious water and had performed Abhishek.
This is the relevance of Abhishek pujä, an auspicious and beneficial ritual performed compulsorily during the Pratishtha of Pratimäjis in a temple.
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