Day 7
Marriage Ceremony and Coronation Event
Actually marriage ceremony is a worldly affair and nothing to do with religio-spiritual endeavour but just like every event of Tirthankar to be celebrated in a grand manner even the marriage ceremony of the Lord may ignite the light of detachment in the heart of the aspirant. Amidst all the grandeur and joyful atmosphere, the Lord remains indifferent. Just to pass the Mohaniya Karma and it's binding, he participates in all the functions and formalities, but inwardly he is awakened and he remains as a witness towards everything where ceremonial procedures take place as per traditional Indian approach. Lord becomes a King. In his Royal Court jubilant celebration of singing, dancing, magic, dramas, etc., takes place. After this nine Devas known as Lokantika (who are from Brahm devloka and will attain moksha in the next birth) request him to start his spiritual journey with the distribution of wealth, money and material things to the needy. This goes on throughout the year. Every day he gives away one crore and eight lakh (ten million and eight hundred thousand) Gold Coins to the
needy. Day 8
After one year charity (Varsidaan) Lord Mahavir decided to renounce this worldly life and proceed on the path of Purification. His elder brother made all the arrangements to celebrate the grand function of 'Diksha'. Nandivardhan and other heavenly gods (devas) bathed the Lord and decorated his body with a smearing of scented paste, ornaments and valuable dress. He was carried in a pallanquin named 'Chandra Prabha' on the 10th day of dark Kartika month. After he descended from the pallanquin at Gyatkhand - Van' elderly ladies of his Royal Family greeted him with joy and blessed him. He took off all his ornaments, dress, etc. He plucked away his hair on the head and face with his bare hands. He took a vow of total Renunciation. Indra, the heavenly god, placed a piece of divine cloth on his Right Shoulder. The Lord attained Manah Paryav Gyan, through which he could read
the mind of others. Day 9
Pratishthä (Ceremonial Installation Vidhi
This spiritual process involves cementing of Pratimäjis on its platform (Gädi). There will be the same number of the metal sticks under the Gädi as the participating families. Each participating family will remove one strip and cement that particular place from where the metal strip is removed. Then move back to allow other participants to do the same. Before and during this process, the auspicious Mantras are recited.
Shikhar Kalash Sthäpan & Shikhar Dhvaja Sthäpan
Shikharis a pyramid-shaped dome placed on the top of the temple, above the Mul Näyak and other main Pratimäjis. Shikhar signifies the house of Veeträg Bhagawan who has expounded the path of everlasting happiness for the benefit of all living beings. The everlasting happiness, Moksha, is attained only through the combination of the right knowledge, the right perception and the right conduct. It signifies that non-violence is the supreme religion. It signifies the religion that involves self-effort and initiatives. It signifies that every living being is in control of his/her destiny.
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