Dikshä or Tapa Kalyänak - (Renunciation Event) This is the event when the Tirthankar (Bhagawan Parshvanath) gives up all his worldly possessions and becomes a monk. One year before the time of renunciation, a group of celestial angels come to pay homage to the future Tirthankar. They remind him to renounce the world and re-establish religious order for the benefit of all living beings. KevalGnän Kalyänak - (Omniscience Event) This is the event when a Tirthankar completely destroys four Ghäti Karmas and attains the Kevalnän (absolute knowledge). Celestial angels create a Samavasaran for Tirthankars from where he delivers the first sermon. This is the most important event for the entire Jain order as the Tirthankar reestablishes Jain Sangha and preaches the Jain path of purification and liberation. Nirvana Kalyänak - (Moksha Event) This event is when a Tirthankar's soul is liberated from this worldly physical existence forever and becomes a Siddha. On this day, the Tirthankar's soul destroys the remaining four Aghäti Karmas
completely, and attains salvation, the state of eternal bliss. Day 2
Shri Nav Grah Patla-Poojan
As we're devotees of the Veeträg Bhagawän, nine planets among others are also devotees of HIM. They are very powerful. As we invite other Sanghs to our Pratishtha Mahotsav, we invite these nine planets (Nav Graha) to our Pratishthä Mahotsav by performing certain rituals in accordance with our scripture. AshtaPrakäri Pujä is performed by reciting of appropriate Mantras for all the planets. We pray for peace, contentment, growth and protection of our entire Sangh (Community). Using cotton rosary (Mälä) with unique colour for each planet, the auspicious Mantras are recited. This ritual is believed to at least spiritually benefit the families who are participating with the right aspiration, and affects others positively.
Shri Dush Dikpäl Patla-Poojan
In this auspicious ritual, we invite Dush Dikpäl (Protectors of the ten different directions: east, west, north, south, north-east, north-west, south-east, south-west, sky(aakash) and below the earth (pataal) as we invited nine planets to our Pratishthä Mahotsav by performing certain rituals in accordance with our scripture. We also perform their Ashtaprakäri Pujä. Because of the presence of powerful heavenly beings, our Pratishtha Mahotsav will be celebrated auspiciously without any disturbance. We also pray to these heavenly beings to help in maintaining and enhancing the peace, contentment, growth and protection of our Sangh (Community).
Shri Ashta Mangal Patla-Poojan
After the birth of a Tirthankar, Indra Mahäräjä (King of heavenly beings) takes HIM to the Meru Parvat (Mount Meru) and performs the Abhishek Pujä. Then he (Indra Mahäräjä) makes Ashta
Mangal (eight auspicious sacred symbols, as below): four-armed cross (swastika, known as sathiya), a rhomboid mark (Shrivatsa), nine pointed diagramme (nandyavart), powder flask (vardhamanak), full vase (kalash), royal throne (bhadrasan), a pair of fish (minyugul) and mirror (darpan) using rice made out of gold or silver. After this, Indra Mahäräjä brings this Ashta Mangal in a grand procession towards the Tirthankar. Darshan
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