________________ [ 89 ] 4545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545 1. The Siddha Chakra Mandir at Nadol. 2. Pavapuri Jal Mandir at Nadol. 3. Laghu Shanti-the sacred poem composed by 5 the great Acharyadev Shrimad Mandev Suri was carved in marble-stones at Nadol. The life sketch of the great composer has also been carved in marble in the temple. 45454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545 4. Samavasaran Mandir in Jodhpur. 5. Pavapuri Temple at Knimel. 6. Kirti Stambh at Jawal. 54545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545455555697461414514614541551 Acharya Shrimad Vijay Susheel Surishwarji Maharaj has inspired Shree Sangh to open Religious schools at varions places such as Nadol. Ramsin, Khimel. Jodhpur, Udaipur etc. It is his firm belief that the transformation of society depends upon education especially education in Religion Many holy pilgrimages took place at the inspi. ration of the Acharya Shree. Eleven 'Chhari, Pal Sangh' were led by the Acharya. Among then, the following are worthy of mention. 1545455456454545454545454545454545454545454545