________________ ( 86 ) A bunch of flowers : I was thrilled to go through the great book Susheel Nam Mala' containiig about 3000 siokas written by His Holiness Acharya Shrimad Vijay Sushil Surishwarji Maharaj. The Acharya Shree has written one hundred and eight books out of which fifty six books have been published and the remaining await publication. The Acharya Shree's style is lucid and comprehensive which like nectar enters the soul resulting in the transformation of mind, body and soul. Every theme is depicted in such a simplicity that the reader feels as if he is in the wonderland of illumination. such is the magic of his style. His books dealing with all the aspects of the Jainism have become very popular among the elite as well as the common people belonging to all faiths, caste and creed. The Acharya Shri was born in 1973 V. S. in Chansma village of the greater Gujarat Province in a well known Visa Shrimali family of the Chauhan Cotra. CREPEKERXERORREDO