________________ 88 Introduction terms sthulata and sakshmata : Vitarka is sthala as it seeks only the object (vastu-matra-paryeshanakaratvat). Vichara is sushma as it knows that object as 'this is that (evas tad iti purvadhigatanirupanat). From this explanation we can conclude that the Yogachara and the Vijnanavadins accepted a specific difference between these two dharmas by attributing to them respectively the functions of enquiry and judgment which can appear only. successively and not simultaneously. 3. Chitta-viprayukta-samskara After dealing with the vitarka, and vichara, the Kosakara turns his polemic against a whole body of dharmas, grouped by the Vaibhashikas under the name of chitta-viprayukta-samskara. In early Buddhism, samskara is described by a solitary term, chetana or volition. The sanskara skandha consisted of six volitions corresponding to the six sense objects. But as the Abhidharinikas analyse the mental factors and differentiated their characteristics, they formulated long lists of dharmas which had to be accommodated in this traditional formula of the five skandhas. Instead of postulating new skandhas, they included these new dharmas in the sanskara skandha. This addition of new dharmas in the group of chaitta is justified by showing a functional co-ordination (samprayoga) between them and the chitta. The A. Sangaho speaks of three kinds of uniformities that exist between a chitta and 52 kinds of chetasikas (one vedana, one sanjna, and fifty samskaras). They arise and disappear in one time, have the same object and depend on the same base. The Vaibhashikas also speak of five kinds of samata (uniformity). There is between the chitta and chaitta uniformity as regards time, basis, objects, essential qualities and function. 1 Vide Adv. p. 81, notes. 2 A. Sangaho, II. 1. 3 Vide Adv. p. 85, n. 1.