________________ 2. Vitarka and Vichara to fly up in the air, and the vichara is compared to the planing movement of the wings of that bird in the sky. Or again the vitakka is like the thorn fixed in the middle in making a circle and vichara is like the revolving thorn outside.? From these explanations it is evident that the vitarka is an initial application of mind on the object and the vichara is a subsequent sustained application. The former is said to possess 'vibration' (vippharava) or a mental thrill and therefore called olarika (gross). The latter is of a calmer nature and hence called sukshma. Thus these two dharmas partake of two opposite characteristics, viz., audarika and sukshma. Yet they are held, both in the Theravada and the Vaibhashika schools, to operate simultaneously in all kinds of kamavachara consciousness and also in the first rupa-dhyana. The Vritti describes the vitarka" as having the characteristic of grossness (audarya) of mind. It is a synonym for samkalpa. It contains a "rudimentary synthesis' (vikalpa) of the differentiators of objects (vishaya nimitta) that produce it. Its activity is stimulated by the wind of ideas. It is a cause of the manifestation of the five gross sense-cognitions. The vichara is of the characteristic subtlety (saukshmya) of mind. It is conducive to the manifestation of the mind-consciousness. Both these dharmas invariably operate in all kinds of the kamavachara-consciousness. Thus here too the vitarka and vichara are described as sthula and sukshma respectively. The Kosakara raises an objecion to the Vaibhashika theory of their simultaneous operation. After quoting and criticising several views on this controversy from the Maha-vibhasha, the Kosakara explains the Sautra. intika view. According to the latter, the vitarka and vichara are two different names given to gross and subtle states of sanskaras that produce corresponding gross or subtle speech (vaksamutthapaka), and therefore, cannot operate togather. The 1 Dhs A. III, 200-1; Vm. IV. 88-92. 2 Ado. p. 81. 3 Adv. p. 82.