Ta şanskar
Jain Darshan's 16 Sanskar to get and make your child great.
1. Grabhadhan Sanskar : During 5th month of Pregnancy
for Fetus Stabilization 2. Punsavana Sanskar : During 8th month of Pregnancy
for Fetus Protection Janam Sanskar : At the time of Birth as a
Natural Vaccination Chandra-Surya
: 3rd day after Birth to Darshan Sanskar
introduce with nature 5. Kshirashan Sanskar : First feed of newborn baby on
the 3rd day after Birth 6. Shashti Pujan Sanskar : To protect mother and baby on
the 6" day after Birth 7. Shuchikarma Sanskar : To get purified on the 10*" or
16th day after Birth 8. Naamkaran Sanskar : Naming Ceremony on the 11th
day or any auspicious day after Birth 9. Annaprashan Sanskar : Introducing solid food for first time on
the 6th month after Birth 10. Karnavedhan Sanskar : Ear piercing at the age of 369, 5" or 7th year 11. Keshvapan Sanskar : Hair cutting at the age of 34 or 5th year 12. Upanayan Sanskar : Sacred thread at the age of 8th year 13. Vidyaarambh Sanskar : Studying Religious Scriptures at the age
of 8th year 14. Vivah Sanskar
: Marriage 15. Vratarop Sanskar : Preparing for Renouncing 16. Antim Sanskar : Last rite or funeral rite
These 16 Sanskar excels our each step in life; proves our humanity. So don't loose infinite profit from these 16 Sanskar by thinking
it as just religious ritual.
Jain Education International