39 sporta tangut ll ll. 7. Arthasyeva tadunmukhatayā. 7. It becomes its own object, like other objects.
Commentary This aphorism gives an example explaining the preceding aphorism. As the ascertainment of external objects results from directing attention towards them, so the knowledge itself is ascertained by it. In every knowledge there is a subject and an object and in valid knowledge the object as well as the knowledge itself is ascertained. A concrete example is given in the next aphorism to elucidate this.
घटमहमात्मना वेनि॥८॥ 8. Ghatamahamātmanā vedmi. 8. I know the pitcher through myself.
Commentary Here “I” is the subject ( Pramātā ) and “the pitcher" is the object ( Prameya), “knowing" is the action (Pramiti ) and "through myself” is the instrumental cause of this knowledge ( Pramāṇa ). Thus in such a knowledge we have an understanding of a subject, an object, an instrumental cause and a verb signifying action. This is mentioned in the next aphorism.
Aphorisms 6, 7, 8 are embodied in a different language in a single Sūtra in Pramāṇanayatattvālokālankāra. Instead of a pitcher, the example given there is that of a baby elephant'.
कर्मवत्कर्तृ करणक्रियाप्रतीतेः ॥९॥ 9. Karmavatkartrikaraṇakriyāpratiteḥ.
. 1. "Fan Syafra: Fageda Tarnai arearea agifayeta aff85H HEATHAI FATA 1" Pramāṇanayatattvālokālankāra, I. 17.
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