The Sacred Books of the Jainas
The knowledge of an object as quite the contrary to its real self is known as Viparyaya or Vimoha. When we think nacre to be silver or a rope to be a snake, we have a knowledge vitiated by Viparyaya or Vimoha (Perversity'). Such is also the case when a person attacked by a particular disease tastes a sweet thing as bitter, or sees two moons by a defect in vision or thinks trees to be moving while travelling in a boat or a railway carriage or sees a circle of fire when a burning brand is spun round?
Pramāṇa is free from these three kinds of fallacies. These
"किमित्यालोचनमात्रमनध्यवसायः । यथा पथि गच्छतस्तृणस्पर्शादिज्ञानम्"
Nyāya-dipikā. Dharmabhūşana lays down that Anadhyavasāya does not touch different ideas, so it is not Sambaya. It is also not Viparyaya as it does not comprehend the reality of the opposite idea :
"इदं हि नानाकोट्यवलंवनाभावादू न संशयः ।
विपरीतैककोटि-निश्चयाभावान्न विपर्ययः ।" Nyaya-dipika. "विशेषानुल्लेख्यमनध्यवसायः।" Pramāna-mimamsa I. 1. 7.
"दूरान्धकारादिवशादसाधारणधर्मावमर्शरहितः प्रत्ययोऽनिश्चयात्मकत्वादनध्यवसायः यथा किमेतदिति ।” Bhasya on Ibid. 1 "विपरीतैककोटिनिष्टंकनं विपर्ययः। यथा शुक्तिकायामिदं रजतमिति ।"
Pramāṇanayatattvālokālaňkāra. 1. 9. 10. "अतस्मिंस्तदेवेति विपर्ययः ।" Pramāna-mimamsa I. 1. 7.
"विपरीतकोटिनिश्चयो विपर्ययः । यथा शुक्तिकायामिद रजतमिति ज्ञानम् । अत्रापि सादृश्यादिनिमित्तवशात् शुक्तिविपरीते रजते निश्चयः ।" Nyaya-dipika.
2 "यथा धातुवैषम्यान्मधुरादि-द्रव्येषु तिक्तादिप्रत्ययः, तिमिरादिदोषादेकस्मिन्नपि चन्द्रे द्विचन्द्रादिप्रत्ययः, नौयानादगच्छत्स्वपि वृक्षेषु गच्छत्-प्रत्ययः आशभ्रमणादलातादाक्चक्रेऽपि चक्रप्रत्ययः।" Bhasya to Aphorism 1. 1. 7 in Pramāna-mimamsa.
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