The Sacred Books of the Jainas
line of the first Sloka of Pariksāmukham. The same has been mentioned by Vātsyāyana' and by Vidyānanda Svāmi.”
The importance of Pramāṇa is thus established both as regards our worldly pursuits and as regards the attainment of liberation by understanding the way to it with the removal of hindrances by Pramāṇas and Nayas."
In Parikṣāmukham the author deals mainly with Pramāņas without discussing the Nayas. Many authors like Hemachandra have held that Nayas are part of Pramāṇas and many authors on Jain Logic have set out only the word "Pramāna" in the title though they discussed both Pramāṇas and Nayas in their works. For example, Hemachandra has named his work "Pramāņa-mināmsā” though he dealt with both Pramāṇas and Nayas in his treatise. Hemchandra writes in his Bhāşya to the first aphorism of Pramāņamimāmsā : "In this work we have not only a discussion of Pramānas but also of Nayas which form part of Pramānas and by which a correct knowledge is obtained by refutation of wrong Nayas”.4" There are also separate works like Saptabhangitarangiņi in which Nayas have been discussed in detail.
Prabhāchandra mentions that the word “Pramāņa” is used in the singular number in the sloka, in the general sense as the author has no intention to set up the various kinds of Pramāņas in the enumeration."
1 “प्रमाणतोऽर्थप्रतिपत्तौ प्रवृत्तिसामर्थ्यादर्थवत् प्रमाणं, प्रमाणमन्तरेण नार्थप्रतिपत्तिः, नार्थप्रतिपत्तिमन्तरेण प्रवृत्तिसामर्थ्य ।" .
3 Hemachandra affirms this : "aa feradaa gama afegitigaLÀTANT Atari Agfaretai faretai 1" Pramāņa Mimāṁsā I. 1.
। “न प्रमाणमात्रस्यैव विचारोऽत्राधिकृतः किन्तु तदेकदेशभूतानां दुर्णयनिराकरणद्वारेण परिशोधितमार्गानां नयानामपि ।” Pramānu Mimamsa
[ Translated by S. C. Ghoshal.
- Jain Gazette ( 1915 ) Vol. XI. Page 278 ] 5 'वक्ष्यमाणलक्षणलक्षितप्रमाणभेदमनभिप्रेत्यानन्तरसकलप्रमाणविशेषसाधारणप्रमाणलक्षणपुरःसरः 'प्रमाणादू' इत्येकवचननिर्देशः कृतः ।”
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