परीक्षामुखम् PARĪKSĀMUKHAM
प्रमाणादर्थसंसिद्धिस्तदाभासाद्विपर्ययः ।
इति वक्ष्ये तयोर्लक्ष्म सिद्धमल्पं लघीयसः ॥ Pramāṇādarthasamsiddhistadābhāsādviparyayah.
Iti vakşye tayorlakşma siddhamalpaņ laghiyasaḥ.
Padapātha. Jama Pramāṇāt, from Pramāņa ( valid knowledge ), 37eftiferite: Arthasamsiddhiḥ, knowables are rightly ascertained, ATATATL Tadābhāsāt, from Pramāņābhāsa ( false knowledge ), faria: Viparyaya', the opposite (happens ), fat Iti, for that reason, gatua: Laghiyasal, for those who desire a short exposition, 7ht: Tayoh, of those (i. e. Pramāṇa and Pramāņābhūsa ), fagn Siddham, as laid down by authorities, 37699 Alpam, short, A. Lakşma, definition, 72 Vakşye, ( I shall ) speak ( describe ).
1. From Pramāņa ( valid knowledge ) knowables are rightly ascertained and from Pramāņābhāsa (false knowledge), the opposite happens. For this reason, I shall describe the definitions of these as laid down by authorities in a concise manner for the benefit of those who desire a short exposition ( of this subject ).
Commentary Māņikyanandi the author of Parikşāmukham begins his work by mentioning the subject matter of the treatise and says that he will define and deal with Pramāņa ( valid knowledge ) and Pramāņābhāsa ( false knowledge ).
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