II. Prameyaratnamālā by Anantavirya.
Jain Education International
Prabhachandra's commentary is specially valuable as it quotes the views of various Hindu and Buddhist writers on Nyaya philosophy and criticising the same establishes the Jain view.
The view of Dr. K. B. Pathak that Prabhāchandra was a disciple of Akalanka is erroneous1.
1. Dr. Pathak has taken the following verse of Prabhachandra in his work Nyayakumudachandrodaya to mean that Prabhachandra was a disciple of Akalanka, but no such interpretation is possible (Vide article by Pandit Jugalkisore published in Anekanta Vol. I. Page 130 ).
"वोधः कोऽप्यसमः समस्तविषयं प्राप्याकलंकं पदम् जातस्तेन समस्तवस्तुविषयं व्याख्यायते तत्पदम् । किं न श्रीगणभृज्जिनेन्द्रपदतः प्राप्तप्रभावः स्वयं व्यारव्यात्यप्रतिमं वचो जिनपतेः सर्वात्मभाषात्मकम् ॥” 2. " त्रैलोक्योदर वर्त्तिवस्तुविषयज्ञानप्रभावोदयो दुष्प्रापोऽप्यकलंकदेवसरणिः प्राप्तोऽत्र पुण्योदयात् । स्वभ्यस्तश्च विवेचितश्च शतशः सोऽनन्तवीर्योक्तितो भूयान्मे नयनीतिदत्तमनसस्तद्बोधसिद्धिप्रदः || ” 8. “ गूढमर्थमकलंक वाङ् मयागाधभूमिनिहितं तदर्थिनाम् । व्यञ्जयत्यमलमनन्तवीर्यवान दीपवर्त्तिरनिशं पदे पदे ॥"
The most widely read commentary of Parikṣāmukham is Prameya-ratnamālā. We have published the full text of it in this edition. The writer of this is Ananta-virya who also wrote commentaries of Akalanka's works. Prabhachandra has mentioned at the beginning of the fourth Chapter of his Nyayakumudachandra that he has been able to study and discuss many times through the writings of Anantavirya, the difficult expositions of Akalanka imparting ȧ knowledge of all objects in the three worlds. Vādirāja Sūri in his Nyaya-viniśchaya-vivarana writes that at every step the deep meaning of Akalanka's writing has been illuminated by the writings of Anantavirya like a lamp3.
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