the date of Vasubandhu will fall in the 2nd century Dignaga accordingly will be of the same
B. C.1
The commentator Mallinatha has mentioned while explaining a verse in Kalidasa's Meghaduta that Dignaga was a contemporary of Kalidasa. This view has however been not generally accepted.
Jain Education International
It is difficult to lay down definitely as has been done by Pandit Sastri that because Akalanka has criticised the definition of only Dignaga and not that of Dharmakirti in his Tattvartharajavārttika, we should conclude that the work 'Pramāṇaviniśchaya' of Dharmakirti was not then written. In our opinion, it is very unsafe to draw such a cónclusion from only this material specially as Pandit Sastri himself shows that Akalanka named his work 'Nyaya-viniśchaya' on the line of Dharmakirti's 'Pramana-viniśchaya' and the views of Dharmakirti have been refuted in other works of Akalanka.
Kumārila Bhatta was not referred to in the Nyaya Varttika of Udyotakaras. This may sup
1. But see: "Asanga brother of Vasubandhu (280-360) must have flourished in the first half of the fourth century". Introduction to Sadhana-mālā (Geakwad's Oriental Series) Page XXVII by B. Bhattacharya M.A.
2. “ दिङ्नागानां पथि परिहरण स्थूलहस्तावलेपान् ॥” Meghadūtam. Purva-meghaḥ verse 14.
“दिङ्नागाचार्यस्य कालिदासप्रतिपक्षस्य हस्ताबलेपान् हस्तविन्यासपूर्वकदूषणानि अद्रेरद्रिकल्पस्य दिङ्नागाचार्यस्य शृंगं प्राधान्यं हरति ।”
Sanjivani (commentary by Mallinatha).
3. Nyāyadarśana by Mahāmohopadhyāya Phaṇibhūṣaṇa Tarkabagis Vol. 1 (first edition P. 37-38).
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