Manikyanandi was later than Akalaňka.
(a Bengali encyclopaedia) it is mentioned "According to the Pattavali of the Sarasvati Gachcha of the Digamvaras, Manikyanandi became Pattadhara in 585 Vikrama Samvat (523 A. D.) Before be became a Pattadhara that is to say, in the beginning of the 6th century, Manikyanandi wrote Parikṣāmukham.
Jain Education International
This view is untenable. It is accepted by everyone that Manikyanandi was later than Akalanka and that he based his work or Akalanka's writings. Anantavirya, the author of Prameya-ratna-mālā a commentary on Parikṣāmukham begins his work by saluting Māņikayanandi in this manner :
Salutation to that Manikyanandi who has churned the nectar of the knowledge of Nyaya from the ocean of the words of Akalanka1.
In Nyayamani-dipika a commentary on Prameya-ratna-mālā we find :
"Bhatta Akalanka Deva promulgated the influence of the true religion by the weapon of arguments delighting the hearts of all scholars of the world in the court of King Hima-sitala....Afterwards the great sage Manikyanandi wrote the Prakarana Parikṣāmukham culling the subject matter from the ocean of the sastra written by him (Akalanka). This work (of Manikyanandi) is like a vessel to cross the ocean (of the work of Akalanka.)"
1. “ अकलंकवचोऽम्मोधेरुदधे येन धीमता ।
न्यायविद्यामृतं तस्मै नमो माणिक्यनन्दिने || " Prameyaratnamāla. 'सकलराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरस्य हिमशीतलस्य महाराजस्य महास्थानमध्ये ·· भगवान् भट्टाकलंकदेवो विश्वविद्वन्मण्डलहद्दयाह्लादियुक्तिशस्त्रेण जगत्सद्धर्मप्रभावमवबुधत्तमाम् । तदनु ··· माणिक्यनंदिमुनिवृन्दारकस्तत्प्रकाशितशास्त्रमहोदधे रुद्धृत्य तदवगाहनाय पोतोपमं 'परीक्षामुख' नामधेयमन्वर्थमुद्वहत् प्रकरणमारचयन् मुदा ।”
Nyayamanidipika ( A Mss. ).
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