The Sacred Books of the Jainas
proposition and its faults in the presence of members of a council and others to prove the real thing'. When the Vādi lays down a proposition, the Prativādi finds out its fault. Again when the Prativādi lays down anything, the Vādi finds out its fault. The utterances of the Vādi and Prativādi in this manner are vāda?.
संभवदन्यदविचारणीयम् ॥ ७४॥ 74. Sambhavadanyadvicharaniyam.
74. Other ( varieties ) which exist, are to be understood by reasoning ( from other works ).
Commentary ___In Pariksamukham, Pramāna only is described in detail. But it has been laid down that Pramāņa as well as Naya are
means of instruction ("प्रमाणनयैरधिगमः" Tattvartha Sutra I. 6 ) by which right faith is established. In this aphorism it is mentioned that Nayas are not described in detail in this work but may be learnt from other workss.
1. "तत्वसंरक्षणार्थ प्राश्निकादिसमक्षं साधनदूषणवदनं वादः ॥” ।
Pramāņa-mimāņsā II. 1. 30. 2. "स्वपक्षसिद्धये वादिनः साधनं, तत्प्रतिषेधाय प्रतिवादिनो दूषणं, प्रतिवादिनोऽपि स्वपक्षसिद्धये साधनं तत्प्रतिषेधाय वादिनो दूषणं, तदेवं वादिनः साधनषणे प्रतिवादिनोऽपि साधनदूषणे तयोर्वादिप्रतिवादिभ्यां वदनमभिधानं बादः ॥" Bhasya to Pramāņa-mimāṁsā. II. 1. 30. Hemachandra says that Vādi, Prativādi, Sabhāpati ( the president' or umpire ) and members of the Council—these four are limbs of a discussion. The members of the Council must be impartial, learned, efficient in discussions and capable of balancing the arguments like a scale "स्वसमयपरसमयज्ञाः कुलजाः पक्षद्वयेप्सिताः क्षमिणः । वादपथेष्वभियुक्तास्तुलासमाः प्राश्निकाः प्रोक्ताः॥"
3. "संभवविद्यमानं अन्यत् प्रमाणतत्वात् नयस्वरूपं शास्त्रान्तरप्रसिद्धं विचारणीयमिह युक्त्या प्रतिपत्तव्यम् ।" Prameya-ratnamala.
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