Commentary Sandigdhāsiddha is described in these aphorisms. This fallacy arises where there is an uncertainty of the Hetu itself. For example, where there is no certainty whether what is seen is smoke or vapour, if one infers there is fire because there is smoke', the inference will not be sound as the very existence of the Hetu viz. smoke is involved in doubt. A person who is not thoroughly conversant with the major term ( Sādhya ) or the middle term ( Hetu or Sādhana ) will not be able to ascertain 'this is smoke' and 'this is vapour' So there is absence of certainty in these cases which is the criterion of the fallacy of Sandigdhāsiddha.
सांरव्यं प्रति परिणामी शब्दः कृतकत्वात् ॥ २७ ।। 27. Sānkhyam prati pariņāmi šabdaḥ kritakatvāt.
HATSTATTA 11 86 11 28. Tenājñātatvāt.
27. To (the follower of) the Sānkhya (philosophy) : 'Sound is perishable, because it is caused ( by some one ). 28. Because he does not know ( or accept ) it.
• Commentary In Sānkhya philosophy, appearance and disappearance ( and not creation and destruction ) of things are accepted. So the inference 'Sound is perishable because it is created by a follower of the Sānkhya philosophy is an example of Sandigdhāsiddha because he does not accept creating of a sound as creation is unknown ( Ajñāta ) to him.
1. cata descarregatura: kiferentes, seurat: 2791 01691fatida sifqgatal Halfhfheig RAFTI” Pramāņa-mimāṁsā. Bhāșya on II. 1. 17.
2. "कुतोऽस्याविद्यमाननियततेत्याह । मुग्धबुद्धेर्बाष्पादिभावेन भूतसंघाते संदेहात्। न खलु साध्यसाधनयोरव्युत्पन्नप्रज्ञो धूमादिरीदृशो बाष्पादिश्चेदृश इति faafia Faef: 1" Prameyakamala-mārtaņda,
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