The Sacred Books of the Jainas
17. Sound is without modification as it is something caused e. g. a pitcher.
This aphorism gives an example of the fallacy Anumanavadhita. The following is the correct inference or Anumana:
"Sound has modification.
Because it is caused.
Like a pitcher."
But if we try to establish an inference opposed to this inference as follows:
"Sound is without modification.
Because it is caused.
Like a pitcher."
It will be an instance of Anumana-vādhita that is to say opposed by inference.
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18. Pretyāsukhaprado dharmaḥ puruṣāśritatvādadharmavat. 18. Dharma will produce grief after death as it is subservient to beings like Adharma.
This is an example of the fallacy Agama-vadhita. In all Sastras, it is accepted that pursuit of Dharma will produce happiness after death and Adharma will cause misery. If we try to establish by inference that Dharma will produce misery after death, it will be an example of Agama-vadhita Anumana (i. e. inference as opposed to the sastras).
शुचि नरशिरःकपालं प्राण्यंगत्वाच्छङ्गशुक्तिवत् ॥ १९ ॥
19. Suchi narasirahkapālam praṇyangat vachchankhaśukti
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