चतुर्थः समुद्देशः
SAMUDDEĆA IV. This samuddeśa deals with the object of Pramāņa. .
सामान्यविशेषात्मा तदर्थो विषयः ॥१॥ 1. Sāmānyaviseşatmā tadartho viņayaḥ. · 1. The subject matter of it ( Pramāņa ) is vişaya of two kinds characterised by sāmānya and višeșa.
Commentary The subject matter of this samuddeśa is summarised in the Chart which faces this page.
“Things in nature are characterised by many-sidedness. Each of them presents a number of aspects which have to be known before we can be said to have exact knowledge of their nature.
The different points of view for studying things are called Nayas of which the Dravyārthika ( the natural ) and the Paryāyārthika ( changing or conditional) are the most important.
The Dravyārthika point of view only takes into consideration the nature of the substance of material of a thing, while the Paryāyārthika confines itself to the study of the form or forms in which substances manifest themselves.”
“Jainism aims, from the very commencement, at a systematic classification of the subject matter of knowledge, and divides the philosophical standpoint into two main heads, the Nischaya and the Vyavahāra. Of these, the former deals with the permanent qualities, hence, the essential nature of things about which there can be no possibility of doubt, and which remains true under all
The Science of Thought by C. R. Jain, Pp. 21-22,
Jain Education International
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