The Sacred Books of the Jainas
revived. There are also metaphors, variation of meaning according to their application to persons or things, to what is good or bad, great or small. Words change their signification according to their use as active or passive, as subjects or as objects. An idea may also be expressed either by a compound or periphrasis or by a single word. The same word may also be applied in a variety of senses, the particular sense which it bears being determined by the context. Change of meaning may also follow from change of pronunciation or the introduction of new words“.
In aphorism 99 it has been mentioned that knowledge can be derived from “words etc.” of an Apta. We have mentioned that by ‘etc.' it is implied that signs, symbols etc. can also impart knowledge. The modern science of language also recognises that thoughts can be expressed by other symbols than words. Writing consisting of hieroglyphics or mathematical symbols and gesture language are examples of this. Onomatopaeia, interjectional or instinctive cries also of men whose language we do not know are intelligible to us.
End of Samuddeśa 3. ,
1. Ibid Pp. 338-343,
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