The Sacred Books of the Jainas
establishes non-existence of some fact, we call it Aviruddha Anupalabdhi in Pratiṣedha. This is of seven kinds, examples of which will be given in the following seven aphorisms 79-85*.
Example of Aviruddha Svabhāva Anupalabdhi :
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79. Nastyatra bhutale ghato'nupalabdheḥ.
79. There is no pitcher in this place because (its Svabhāva or identity) is not to be found (i. e. nothing resembling its identity is present here).
Example of Aviruddha Vyāpaka Anupalabdhi :
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80. Nastyatra sinśapā vrikṣānupalabdheḥ.
80. There is no Sinśapa (tree) here, because no tree is found here.
Example of Aviruddha Kāryanupalabdhi :नास्त्यत्राप्रतिवद्ध सामथ्र्यग्निधूमानुपलब्धेः ॥ ८१ ॥
81. Nastyatrāpratibaddhasāmarthyo'gnirdhūmānupalabdheḥ. 81. There is no fire whose potency (Samarthya) has not been obstructed here, because we do not find smoke.
Example of Aviruddha Kāraṇānupalabdhi :
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82. Nastyatra dhūmo'nagneḥ.
82. There is no smoke here because there is no fire.
1. “ तत्राविरुद्धानुपलब्धिः प्रतिषेधावबोधे सप्तप्रकाराः । "
Pramāṇanayatattvālokālaṁkāra, III. 90. “प्रतिषेध्येनाविरुद्धानां स्वभावव्यापककार्यकारणपूर्व चरोत्तरसहचाराणाम
f: "Ibid. III. 91.
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