The Sacred Books of the Jainas existence of Sādhya e. g. there is fire in this hill, because there is smoke on it. ( Vide The Science of Thought by C. R. Jain, p. 44). अविरुद्धोपलब्धिर्विधौ षोढा व्याप्यकार्यकारणपूर्वोत्तर
HETHETO 1199 11 59. Aviruddhopalabdhirvidhau şodhā vyāpya-kārya-kāraṇapūrvo-ttara-sahachara-bhedāt.
59. Aviruddha Upalabdhi is of six kinds in Vidhi viz. Vyāpya, Kārya, Kāraņa, Pūrvachara, Uttarachara and Sahachara.
Commentary : Upalabdhi in Vidhi will be explained in Aphorisms 65, 66, 67, 68, 69 and 70 respectively.
In Pramāṇanayatattvālokālankāra III. 6. 4. it is mentioned that the Aviruddhopalabdhi in establishing a Vidhi is of six kinds".
In the Buddhist philosophy it is held that the inference proving the existence of a fact ( Vidhi ) is only of two kinds Svabhāva ( own nature ) and Kārya (effect ). But in this aphorism, six varieties of Aviruddha Upalabdhi establishing Vidhi have been mentioned. So in the following five aphorisms the view of the Buddhist logicians is refuted and that of the Jain logicians established.
The next aphorism lays down why Kāraṇa should be accepted as a Hetu. रसादेकसामग्रथनुमानेन रूपानुमानमिच्छद्भिरिष्टमेव किश्चित् कारणं हेतुर्यत्र सामर्थ्याप्रतिबन्धकारणान्तरावैकल्ये ॥६० ॥
60. Rasādekasāmagryanumānena rūpānumānamichchhadbhiriștameva kinchit kāraṇam heturyatra sāmarthyāprativandhakāraṇāntarā-vaikalye.
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