The Sacred Books of the Jainas of Upanaya and Nigamana. So these two parts should not be considered as necessary limbs of Upamāna.
"There is no power of Upanaya and Nigamana to produce a knowledge in the mind of others as this knowledge arises from the use of the Pakşa and the Hetu." Pramāṇanayatattvālokālankāra. III. 40.
समर्थनं वा वरं हेतुरूपमनुमानावयवो वाऽस्तु
FTET Agritona 11 86 11 45. Samarthanam vā varam heturūpamanumānāvayavo vāhstu sādhye tadupayogāt.
45. (The establishment e. g. fire ) is got from the support of the limb of Anumāna named Hetu (e. g. smoke ) as this ( Hetu e. g. smoke ) is connected with the Sādhya ( e. g. fire ).
Commentary The purport of this aphorism is that there is no necessity of the parts of Anumāna, Dșiştānta, Upanaya and Nigamana because the Sādhya ( e. g. fire ) is established by Hetu (e. g. smoke ). As we have knowledge of the Sādhya without the help of Dșistānta, Upanaya and Nigamana these cannot be said to be essential parts of Anumāna.
When faults of Hetu are dispelled and it is supported, it is said to have samarthana. If you say that that which is not supported can never be a Hetu, and so after mentioning Driştānta etc. a support should be given to the same, we reply that it is the very Hetu which is a part of Anumāna which establishes the Sādhya and it is not at all necessary to give any other support by mentioning Udāharaṇa etc. first.
1. "किं चाभिधायापि दृष्टान्तादिकं समर्थनमवश्यं वक्तव्यम् , असमर्थितस्य अहेतुत्वात् , इति ; तदेव वरं हेतुरूपम् अनुमानावयवो वाऽस्तु साध्यसिद्धौ तस्यैवोपयोJagieron 1" Prameyaratnamālā.
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