The Sacred Books of the Jainas
Sadhya again should be one not previously established. Objects in cases of doubt e. g. when we are not certain whether this is a post or a man, cases of mistake e. g. when we mistake nacre to be silver and cases where we have no clear knowledge as when we merely touch a thing while going without clearly perceiving what it is, can become Sadhya. For, in these cases we establish by inference what the real thing is.
___The three adjectives “Ista", "Abadhita" and "Asiddha" are therefore necessary. These have been termed “Abhipsita”, “Anirākrita” and “Apratita” in Prameya-naya-tattvālokālankāra? and "Sisādhayişita", "Abādhya" and "Asiddha" by Hemachandra?
Some may say, you have mentioned that what is desired is Sadhya. The desire of human beings is to sit, lie down, eat, go etc. So these should be Sādhya. In Prameyaratnamālā this is refuted by saying that by desire is meant the desire in connection with Sādhana. The meaning is to be understood according to the context.
When we see a Sadhana (e. g. smoke ) we desire to know of what this is a sign and the desired object inferred from the Sādhana (e. g. fire ) is the Sādhya'. यथा माता मे बन्ध्येति। प्रतीतिबाधा यथा, अचन्द्रः शशीति, अत्र शशिनश्चन्द्रशब्दवाच्यत्वं प्रतीतिसिद्धम् इति प्रतीति-बाधा।" Pramāna-Mimamsa Bhasya to 1.2.14.
1. "अप्रतीतमनिराकृतमभीप्सितं साध्यम् ।। शंकितविपरीतानध्यवसितवस्तुनां साध्यताप्रतिपत्त्यर्थमप्रतीतवचनम् ॥ प्रत्यक्षादिविरुद्धस्य साध्यत्वं मा प्रसज्यतामित्यनिराकृतग्रहणम् ॥ अनभिप्रेतस्यासाध्यत्वप्रतिपत्तयेऽभीप्सितपदोपादानम् ॥"
Pramāṇanayatattvālokālankāra. III. 14-17 2. “सिसाधयिषितमसिद्धमवाध्यं साध्यं पक्षः ॥” ।
Pramāņa-mimāmsā I. 1. 13. 3. "अत्रापरे दूषणमाचक्षते, आसनशयनभोजनयाननिधुवनादेरपीष्टत्वात्तदपि साध्यमनुषज्यत इति । तेऽप्यतिवालिशा अप्रस्तुतप्रलापित्वात् । अत्र हि साधनमधिक्रियते। तेन साधनविषयत्वेनेप्सितमिष्टमुच्यते ।" Prameya-ratna-mala.
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