The Sacred Books of the Jainas अतजन्यमपि तत्प्रकाशकं प्रदीपवत् ॥८॥ 8. Atajjanyamapi tat-prakāśakam pradipavat.
8. Though it ( i. e. knowledge ) is not caused by it ( i. e. the object ), it (i. e. knowledge ) illumines it (i. e. the object ) like a lamp.
Commentary The knowledge of an object though not caused by the object illumines the object. By the expression 'without being caused by it', it is also implied "though of not the same shape”. An object is illuminated by a lamp which is neither caused by an object, nor is of the same shape as the object'. स्वावरणक्षयोपशमलक्षणयोग्यतया हि प्रतिनियतमर्थ
व्यवस्थापयति ॥९॥ 9. Svavaranaksayopasamalaksanayogyatayā hi pratiniyatamartham vyavasthāpayati.
9. Surely (Pratyakşa knowledge ) always illumines objects according to its power characterised by the mitigation of its hindrances.
According to Jain philosophy, Upayoga is the sole characteristic of Jiva. Upayoga is a sort of inclination which arises from consciousness. This inclination is either towards Darśana or towards Jhana. Darsana is of four kinds Chaksu, Achaksu, Avadhi भावेऽपि सान्द्रतमतमःपटलविलिप्तदेशगतवस्तुप्रतिपत्तेश्च दर्शनात् योगिना चातीतानागतार्थग्रहणे किमर्थस्य निमित्तत्वं, निमित्तत्वे चार्थक्रियाकारित्वेन सत्त्वादतीतानागतत्वafa: 1" Bhāsya to Aphorism I. I. 26 in Pramāņa-mimāmsā.
1. “अर्थाजन्यमप्यर्थप्रकाशकमित्यर्थः । अतज्जन्यत्वमुपलक्षणम् । तेनातदाकारमपीत्यर्थः । उभयत्रापि प्रदीपो दृष्टान्तः। यथा प्रदीपस्यातजन्यस्याऽतदाकारधारिणोऽपि तत्प्रकाशकत्वं, तथा ज्ञानस्यापि।" Prameyaratnamala.
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