The Sacred Books of the Jainas
Parokşa are two kinds of Pramāṇas”1. In Tattvārtha Sūtra, Pramāṇas have been laid down in three aphorisms: "This knowledge consisting of Mati, śruta, Avadhi, Manahparyaya and Kevalao consists of two Pramāņas. The first two are Parokşa Pramāṇas* The remaining ones are Pratyakşa”5,
fand T777 11 3 11 3. Visadam Pratyakşam. 3. (The knowledge ) which is clear is Pratyakşa.
Commentary The word "Knowledge” (Jñānam ) is to be understood in this aphorism. Clearness is the characteristic of Pratyakşa Pramāņa. This clearness is expressed by the words Visada, Spasta, Nirmala etc. in works on Jain Logic?. The idea may be thus explained by an example. We may have knowledge of fire directly or when we are told by a reliable person whom we believe “Here is fire” or when we see smoke and infer that there is fire. The second and third kind of knowledge is not direct and not therefore styled as clear. That there is difference between this direct and indirect knowledge is understood by everyone. This direct knowledge is not dependant on Sabda or Anumāna. It
1. "YET YTT&a à GHIŪT Hà I" Şaļdarsanasamuchchaya. śloka 55.
" Tattvārtha Sūtra. I. 9. 3. " FATŮ 1" Ibid I. 10. 4. "Ticet TT&T 1" Ibid I. 11 5. "CUTHFIA I" Ibid I. 12. 6. "Afafa ata 1" Prameyaratnamālā. 7. " ta itse aanget Fyeraficultat: ztea clariter 1"
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