ing its work viz. determination of objects, it takes its own help in the case of familiar objects and help of others in other cases.1
Here ends the first chapter of Parikṣāmukham. We have seen that in the first aphorism of this chapter, the definition of Pramāṇa has been given. In the aphorisms which follow this definition is explained. For example in the second aphorism it is laid down that Pramāņa cannot be anything else than knowledge as indicated in the definition. The words "sva-vyavasaya" in the definition is explained in aphorisms 6 and 7 and a concrete example is given in aphorism 8. The word "Apūrvārtha" is explained in aphorism 4. Thus defining Pramāņa and explaining the general characteristics of Pramāņa in the first chapter the author will proceed in the next chapter to mention the different varieties of Pramāņa viz. Pratyakṣa and Paroksa. Pratyakṣa Pramaṇa will be discussed in detail in the second chapter and Parokṣa Pramāņa will be examined in the third chapter.
End of Chapter I.
1. “ अथवा उत्पत्तौ स्वकार्य च इति पदद्वयमपि अस्मिन् सूत्रे अध्याहर्त्तव्यं । तथाच अयमर्थः । प्रामाण्यमुत्पत्तौ परत एव ।.... विषयपरिच्छित्यादिलक्षणस्वकार्ये प्रामाण्यमभ्यासदशायां स्वतो गृह्यते । अनभ्यासदशायां परतो गृह्यत इति ।”
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