The Sacred Books of the Jainas
ATATATU FATA: 977 22 118311 13. Tatprāmāṇyam svataḥ paratascha.
13. The validity of Pramāņa rises from itself or through another (Pramāņa).
Commentary In this aphorism, the point how a Pramāņa establishes its validity, is discussed. In the Nyāya philosophy as propounded by Gautama, it has been laid down that the validity of Pramāņa arises through other help. Vātsyāyana the writer of the Bhāșya of Nyāya-sūtras of Gautama says that through inference, the validity of a Pramāṇa is established. We know that Pramāṇa is not the opposite of a correct understanding by the help of inference. So we must say in such a case that the validity of Pramāṇa is established
nother viz. inference. . An example will make this clear. A thirsty man seeks. water. That which causes a knowledge of water in a mirage is not Pramāṇa, for in a mirage the thirst of that man cannot be mitigated. Such a knowledge is a fallacy. Conformity with the object presented is known as the validity of Pramāņa, and nonconformity with the object presented is the opposite of Pramāņa-.
A criticism may be made of the view that if by inference, the validity of a Pramāṇa is established, we may ask : if an inference which is itself a Pramāņa confirms another Pramāņa to establish its validity, how will this inference be validated ? If we say, that another inference will validate this, the result would be an endless chain of inferences. So we must accept that in some cases Pramāņa validates itself and in other cases, its validity is established by inference. Jain writers accordingly hold that validity of Pramāņa
1. "farfag TATTET. STATvej arh ? afantafauroufrafcrani"
Nyāyadipikā. "ज्ञानस्य प्रमेयाव्यभिचारित्वं प्रामाण्यम् । तदितरत्त्वप्रामाण्यम् ।"
Pramāṇanayatattvālokālankāra, I. 19. 20.
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