enlightened person is not being bound by Inewikarmic sparticles even though hei enjoys fruits of the past deeds on thelrise of karmas: (26). Firezcannot burn when its efficacy to burn is, held up by spells. Similarly,n the scist, of karmas cannot bind the soul with inėw. karmas.when its; efficacy is made defunct by the power of knowledge (27). A samyagdrsti (one who possesses right attitude) is not deprived of its internal purity by new karmas even if he enjoys external material things. A man having no desire for wine is not intoxicated even if he takes it (as medicine) (28). All things are established in their own nature. That is, a thing does never share the nature of another thing. Then there arises a question as to why a soul should unnecessarily affect its identification with foreign things -- an identification which gives rise to the relation of karma and karty and this relation, in turn, causes misery (29). All things are defined by and confined to their own nature. But soul under the spell of Nescience gets attached to and identifles itself with foreign things (30). The Muni who remains engrossed in his true spiritual nature entertains neither likes nor dislikes towards foreign things, has no attachment to or aversion from them (31). Thus realising clearly the difference between self and non-self one should shun all the non-soul things. Then only one can become unruffled and placid. Then only one's consciousness can become calm and pacific. This means that then there does not arise in it the waves of impure modes, thoughts or passions. Then soul becomes devoid of che veil of karma and shines in its supreme inner light (32).
The inner light, having come out of the strong whirls of passions and having destroyed the darkening veils of karmas of eight types, fully shines in its own light (1). As soon as the weight of impure modes gets removed it assumes its original pure placid state. Again, as soon as bondage of four types is cut off it gets permeated through and through with highest Bliss. And it then being free from any limiting or obscuring investment becomde pure, pacific, infinite and unobstructed, and reflects in itself all the objects of knowledge from all sides. (2). All the modes of all substances are refiected in only a part of that limitless ocean of knowledge (3). Darsana (right attitude), jñāna (right knowledge) and caritra (good conduct) - the three together constitute one path to Liberation. If a person clearly and firmly aiming at Liberation travels on the Path, remains completely unatta. ched to what is not his nature, keeps his vision fixed on the Path, behaves fully in accordance with it, then whatever he does is simply the result of the rise of karmas and hence leads to nirjará (expulsión or dissociation of
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