Siddhasena and his Works
discussed. The students are classified and certain rules are laid down to be observed by a candidate to eliminate his errors. Lastly, the nature of higher studies is expounded.
19. Niścaya Dva :-Here Siddhasena propounds the ultimate point of view. His identity of Mati and Sruta and also of Avadhi and Manaḥparyaya has been commented upon by Yasovijaya. Siddhasena's expositions and usage have their speciality. He also expounds his higher views about collusion and division based on the number of Gunas. Not only he propounds his ideas about knowledge but also advocates their appropriateness. Because of certain independene and novel views expressed in this Dva, scribes have described Siddhasena as Dveşya.
20. Dṛṣṭiprabodha :-This deals with Drsti as the 13th deals with Samkhya. Siddhasena has in view perhaps 12th Anga, the Dṛṣṭivada, which is lost. Siddhasena's age is postulated as first century B.C. Perhaps this Anga was available in his days. He might have used Utpada and other Purvas. The Dṛṣṭivāda discusses various rival views and Siddhasena also brings out this disharmony between Bauddha, Samkhya and Vaiseṣika and proves ultimately that Mahāvīra's stand-point harmonises all of them. He explains Dravya, Paryāya and Sat. The one-sided views are considered inappropriate. He discusses Satkārya and other Vādas and also some geographical topics. He concludes that Mahavira's words are consistent. The text is often corrupt and maximum attempt is made to bring out the meaning.
6. NON-JAINA PHILOSOPHY-The Dva No. 9 bears the name of Vedavāda. It shows the influence of the Svetasvatara Upanisad and the Bhagavadgītā borrowing freely words and expressions from Vedic literature. Perhaps Siddhasena has his own meaning for these terms. Some verses are difficult for interpretation. The sources of some of the ideas here can be marked out. He concludes that the non-duality view-point is the only perfect outlook which can lead one to liberation from miseries.
The Dva No. 12 deals with the Nyaya school which is based on the Nyayasutras of Gautama. This school has its own history. The various categories of the Nyāyasūtra can be spotted in the verses of this Dva. Siddhasena discusses also what is the reason and what are the fallacies of reason. Here and there his termino
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