Siddhasena and his Works
7-8th century. Whatever may be the age of these authors and their relative priority, their greatness is ever-abiding.
25. Siddhasena Divākara: A Study: A Thesis submitted to the University of Bombay for the Ph.D. Degree by P. N. DAVE, September, 1962.
INTRODUCTION-Siddhasena Divākara is one of the great writers of India, a pioneer in all the fields of Jainism. Jinasena and Hemacandra appreciated him as a poet. Besides his Dvatrimsikäs, Sanmati-tarka is an important work on Darsana and his Nyāyāvatāra deals with Jaina logic. Mallavādi, Haribhadra, Siddharşi and Abhayadeva have written commentaries on his works; and he is claimed and respected both by Svetāmbaras and Digambaras. The earlier work done in the field by Pandits SUKHALAL and BECHARDAS, Pt. JUGAL KISHORE, Dr. P. L. VAIDYA, Vidya BHUSHANA, KRAUSE, etc. is all taken into consideration. The Dyātrimóikās are studied here thoroughly, often correcting the text in many places. The material used is enumerated and the contents of the various chapters are indicated. I) LIFE—No contemporary meterial is availabe for Siddhasena's life. The Prabhavāka-carita of Prabhācandra, Prabandha-cintamaņi of Merutunga, Caturvimšati-prabandha of Rājasekhara are composed in the Vikrama era 1334, 1361 and 1405 respectively. There are two other unpublished Prabandhas. Then there is also the Kathāvali of Bhadreśvara written about 10th or 11th century A.D., but it could be even as early as the 7th century A.D. It is one of the oldest sources for the account of Siddhasena. Samghatilaka also (1365 to 1421 V. era) gives the life of Siddhasena. Perhaps it is based on some earlier source. The accounts are much over-coloured by miracles. There are also contradictions in details. Here more dependence is laid Caturviṁsati-prabandha and variations from it are duly noted. Siddhasena was born at Āvanti where King Vikramāditya was ruling. But Jinaprabha Sūri mentions him as a Southerner belonging to Karņāțaka. He was a Brahmin by caste and names of his parents are also given. Siddhasena studied various śāstras in Avanti. He was proud of his learning which he used to parade. Vțddhavādi puts him at his proper value. There are different versions of the story; however, Siddhasena became the disciple of VỊddhavādi. He was
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