Siddhasena and his Works
with the Gita and the Yogasu:ras. The Dva 4 reminds us of certain contexte in the Kumarasambhava and Saundarananda of Kālidāsa and Asvaghosa (respectively). The 5th is a tiny poem, really a beautiful biography of Mahavira. These five Dva.s seem to have been composed independently (as a unit). Their order is perhaps of a later stage. All of them aim at bringing out clearly the supreme excellence and the peerless greatness of Mahavira. The Dva 11 bestows great praise on some king who was actually before him. The Dva 6 deals with the nature of Apta and reminds us of the Aptamimāmsā of Samantabhadra and the Aptaparīkṣā of Vidyananda. These authors have their different approaches. It is here that Siddhasena attacks conservatism and orthodoxy. He wants to establish Mahāvīra as the highest Apta on logical grounds. In this context he reminds us of some of the ideas of Kālidāsa.
The Dva 8 discusses the jalpa-katha. Here Siddhasena brings out the weakness and strength of contemporary assmblies of controversy.
The Dva 7 is quite significant so far as it is a clever survey of the art of debate (it seems to mention Dharmakirti but it cannot refer to the author of that name and is of no chronological significance). It is inspired by the current literature on contemporary technique of Vada. The Dva 9 has a discourse on the Brahman of the Upanishad, imitating the Svetasvatara but with a subtle vein of disapproving the Upanishadic doctrine. The Dvä 12 refers to Nyaya-darśana; the Dva 13 to Samkhya; the Dvā 14 to Vaiseṣika; and the Dva 15 to Buddhist Sunyavāda. The text of these is corrupt in many places. It seems that Siddhasena had before him some works other than the Karikas of Isvarakṛṣṇa. In his treatment of Buddhism Siddhasena shows acquaintance with the Madhyamika-kārikā of Nagarjuna and also the Vijñānavāda. The Dva 10 deals with Dhyana employing the terminology of Yoga philosophy. The Dva 16 deals with Niyativada which is referred to in the 3rd Dva. The Dva.s-20 are extremely incorrcct. They all deal with Jaina philosophy. Some titles are added to them at their close.
The Dva 17 gives an exposition of Asrava and Samvara from the Vyavahara and Niścaya points of view; it is these which
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