tr.-ion finds unfailing liberation ; he never gets to it who has no such firmness of mind.
72. Contact with men leads to intercourse through speech, which affects the mind, and sets it moving in a thousand fancies. The ascetic should therefore avoid all contact with men, to begin with.
73. Town or forest is, however, the abode of those who have not realized the Self, those who have seen the Self abide for ever in the Self, beyond all like and dislike, ever immutable.
74. Taking the body for átman is the cause of passing from incarnation to incarnation; whereas knowledge of ùtmari as åtman, leads to absolute liberation.
75. Self leads self to incarnation or final liberation ; self is thence the teacher of self; in reality there is no other teacher.
76. He who has firm conviction of self in the body, entertains much fear of death,
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