moments when my mind is held in complete tranquility.X
4. Atman (soul) as it is found in all being is of three kinds: objective, subjective, and supreme. Try to realize the third and forget the first, by means of the second.
X These three verses are, as it were, a kind of inintroduction to the book that follows. Siddhâtman is that supremely accomplished soul who is free from all kinds of karma, causes which hinder onward progress. To know the soul as soul, and separate everything else from it as non-soul is the only real means of final liberation in this philosophy, whence this idea is hinted at in the very first verse. In describing the Siddhatman as one having unfailing and unconditioned knowledge the obvious hint is at the power consequent upon liberation, and therefore at the true condition of the liberated. The word Jina means a conqueror, the conqueror of all passions etc., the highest Adept. Every liberated soul is a Jina and this philosophy derives its name from its being founded by the Jina. The word tirtha means a holy place which by its holiness helps the wicked to be free from this dross of this world. This philosophy is a tirtha of this kind, and the founders of it are therefore called tirthakaras. The speech of the Jina is supreme though unexpressed because it is understood by all, beasts, birds, men, and gods, at the same moment. The object of this treatise is the unfolding the form of the pure self;-pure because free from all dross of karma, and therefore liberated.
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