Tenth Sandhi :- The subject matter of the 17th Pariccheda is
not found in Dhammaparikkha : 1 =18.1-21; 2 = 18.22-29; 3-10 = 18.27-84; 11-12 =18.85-100; 13 = 19.1–11; 14 = 19.12;
15-16 = 19.13–101 in detailed in A. Eleventh Sandhi- 1-2= not found in A.; 3-10=20,1-12; 11-21=
20,13-52; 22 = 20.53-64; 23-27 = 20 65-90. The camparision leads the impression that Amitagati borrowed the subject matter from Haris hena and composed his Dharmapariksha within two months (A. 20. 90.) Manovega submits fabricated tales before the Brahmanas and when they do not believe on them, he puts forth the parallel stories from the vedas and Puranas and satisfies them. Harishena adopts the descriptive method and therefore does not stand much on traditional approach towards the women, friend, world, wealth, etc. as done by Amitagati, He never leaves the story incompleted in moving from one Sandhi to another as offenly does Amitagati.
From imagination and language point of view also, both the works can be compared. For instance :-- H 1.19 = A. 3.36-37; H. 2.3= A. 3.61; H. 2.5= A. 3.85; H ll=A 4 84-85; H. 2 15=A 5:59; H. 2 16= A. 5.82–85; H 3.9=A. 8.22-34 Harishena may have followed Jayarama's Dhammaparikkha as he himself said in beginning of his work. But unless the Jairama's Dhammaparikkha is found, the nature of borrowing elements cannot be decided. Another remarkable point is that Amitagati included the 'Purvapaksha (the arguments of the opponent) into his work as his own verses with slightly changes, but Harishena did it under the heading Tathoktam". For instance :-- H. 4.1 =A. 10.58-59; H. 5:7-=A. 11.8; H 4.7 = 11.12; H. 5.9 = A. 12.72-73; H. 5.17 = Not fonud in A.; H. 7.5=A. 14.38; H. 7.6= A 14 49; H. 7.8=A. 14.50; H. 8.6 =A. 15.94; H. 9.25 = A. Not found in the same form. Subject Matter
The Dhammaparikkha is a satiric text which critically examines the Pauranic tales and Vedic superstitions prevelent at that time. It is divided into eleven Saņdhis, which contain 238 Kadavakas in 2070 Shlokapramana The whole text is interconnected with one object and so many fabricated stories.
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