सहायक ग्रन्थ सची
१३६३ (48) A. K. Majmudar, Chulakyas of Gujarat, Bombay 1956 A.D. (49) C. B. Shetha, Jainism in Gujarat, Bombay 1956 A.D. (50) Dasharatha Sharma, Early Chauhan Dynesties, New Delhi 1959
A.D. (51) Dasharatha Sharma, Rajasthan Through the Ages, Bekaner 1966
G. Bahlar, Life of Hemachandra, Shanti Niketan 1936 A.D. (53) G. C. Chauradhary, Political History of Northern India from Jain
sources, Amritsar 1963 A.D. (54) J. P. Singh, Aspects of Early Jainism, Varanasi 1972 A.D. (55) K. C. Jain, Ancient Cities and Towns of Rajasthan, Delhi 1972
A.D. (56) MohanLal BhagawanDas Jhavery, Comprative and Critical Study of
Mantrashastra, Ahmedabad 1944 A.D. (57) M. R. Majamudar, Cultural History of Gujarat, Bombya, 1965 A.D. (58) P. K. Gode, Studies, in Indian Literary History, Vol.-1, Bombay,
1953 A.D. (59) R. V. Somani, Jain Inscriptions of Rajasthan, Jaipur 1982 A.D. (60) R. C. Majmudar and A. D. Pusalkar, Ed. The Struggle for Empire,
III Edition, Bombay 1979 A.D. Sarabhai Manilal Navab, The Jain Tirthas in India and their
Architecture, Ahmedabad 1944 A.D. (62) U. P. Shah, Treasures of Jaina Bhandars, Ahmedabad 1970 A.D. (63) U. P. Shah, Akota Bronges, Bombay 1956 A.D.
स्मारक ग्रंथ - अभिनन्द ग्रंथ - स्मृति ग्रंथ (१) श्री आत्मानंद शताब्दी ग्रंथ, संपा० मोहनलाल दलीचंद देसाई, मुम्बई १९३६ ई० (२) ज्ञानाञ्जलि (मुनि पुण्यविजय अभिनन्दन ग्रंथ), संपा० मुनि रमणीक
विजय, भोगीलाल सांडेसरा आदि, बडोदरा १९६९ ई० (३) दलसुखभाई मालवणिया अभिनन्दन ग्रंथ, संपा० प्रो० सागरमल जैन,
वाराणसी १९९२ ई०
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