has been categorised as Kalika āgama.1
Its main theme is Jambudvipa. The list of peripheral and incidental topics is very long. Lord Rṣabha, Kulakara, Bharata Cakravarti, Kalacakra, Sauramandala, and many others are the subjects dealt with in it. The description. about Bharata Cakravart's fourteen jewels and nine treasures has been described here in a lively manner.
Under the 'wheel of eternity (kalacakra), thrilling account has been given about the sixth spoke of the present descending cycle. Of all the available forecasts about the universal annihilation, it invites our attention most effectively. By going through it one is confronted with the horrors of the atomic warfare.2
Both Lord Rṣabha and Lord Mahavira have similarity in various respectsThe former is called Adi Kasyapa while the latter is called Antyakasyapa. Both propounded the path of five Great Vows. Like Lord Mahavira, Lord Rṣabha also put on garment for more than a year, followed by absolute nudity."
Bharata Cakravarti was seated in his palace of glass. While he was looking at his reflection in the mirror, he attained liberation. In later literature this incident is developed in a number of ways. At the loss of his finger-ring he felt the diminution of his beauty, which led him to deeper thought culminating into the attainment of a kevalihood."
The canon gives us a beautiful picture of the termination of the 'yaugalika' state, and the beginning of social life and political administration, It is a very important document to get a clear idea of the multifaceted personality of Lord Rsabha. A comparative study of the delineation of Rsabha in the present text with that in the Srimadbhāgavata is bound to be very fruitful.
The canon is divided into seven chapters which are called 'vakkharo' or 'vaksaskāra. Some of the topics are:
1. Jambudvipa
3. Bharata-Carita
Jain Education International
2. Kalacakra & Rsabha-carita
4. Jambudvipa detailed description
1. Nandi, 78
2. Jambuddivapannatti, 2/130-137
3. Dhananjaya-nāmamālā, 114, page 57: vḥarsiyan vṛşabho jyäyän punarādyaḥ prajapatiḥ | aiksvakuḥ kasyapo brahma gautamo nabhijo'graja!!!!
Ibid, 115, p. 58: sanmalirmahatirviro mahaviro'ntyakasyapaḥ | näthänvayo vardhamano yattīrthamiha sampratam ||
4. Jambuddivapannatti, 2/66 5. Ibid, 3/221,222
6. Avasyakacúrni, p. 227
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