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**Seventy-seventh Prabhṛta**
In the context of the sun and moon, what are their distinct or shared characteristics?
The answer: Indeed, these celestial bodies have certain qualities that can be elaborated upon as follows:
1. At the very elemental level, the moon and sun share similarities, but as their journey progresses, they separate and exhibit their unique attributes; this has been stated.
2. In brief spans of time, the moon and sun reflect differences in behavior; this has been noted.
3. It is said that in a similar manner as above, so too can it be observed in the lower aspects and in the previously discussed twenty-five aspects of the Prabhṛta, up till the ultimate particle of existence according to scriptures.
4. In brief: the moon and sun exhibit distinctions based on their phases, or qualitative aspects, unequally, and this is how they relate; this has been stated.
5. Hence, in a minute measure of time, the moon and sun also articulate their differences and shared characteristics; this is acknowledged.
6. (Continued comments on the next page)
सत्तरहवाँ प्राभृत
चंद-सूरियाणं चवणोववाया ८८.. प. ता कहं ते चवणोववाया, आहिए त्ति वएजा?
उ. तत्थ खलु इमाओ पणवीसं पडिवत्तीओ पण्णत्ताओ तंजहा -
तत्थ एगे एवमाहंसु१. ता अणुसमयमेव चंदिम-सूरिया अण्ण चंयति अण्णे उववजंति, एगे एवमाहंसु,
एगे पुण एवमाहंसु - २. ता अणुमुहुत्तमेव चंदिम-सूरिया अण्णे चयंति अण्णे उववजंति।
१. 'एवं जहा हिट्ठा तहेव जावेत्यादि -
एवं उक्तेन प्रकारेण यथा अधस्तात् षष्ठे प्राभृते पञ्चविंशतिः प्रतिपत्तयस्तथैवात्रापि वक्तव्याः यावत् अणुओसप्पिणि- - उस्सप्पिणिमेवेत्यादि चरमसूत्रम्। ताश्चैवं भणिवव्याःएगे पुण एवमाहंसुःता अणुराइंदियमेव चंदिम-सूरिया अण्णे चयंति, अण्णे उववज्जति, आहिए त्ति वएज्जा, एगे एवमाहंस,
एगे पुण एवमाहंसु - ४. ता अणुपक्खमेव चंदिम-सूरिया अण्णे चयंति, अण्णे उववजंति, आहिए त्ति वएज्जा, एगे एवमाहंसु, ___एगे पुण एवमाहंसु - ५. ता अणुमासमेव चंदिम-सूरिया अण्णे चयंति, अण्णे उववजंति, आहिए त्ति वएज्जा, एगे एवमाहंसु,
एगे पुण एवमाहंसु - ६. ता अणु-उउमेव
एगे पुण एवमाहंसु - ७. ता अणु-अयणमेव,
एगे पुण एवमाहंसु - ८. ता अणु-संवच्छरमेव,
एगे पुण एवमाहंसु - ९. ता अणुजुगमेव, एगे पुण एवमाहंसु
(शेष टिप्पणियां अगले पृष्ठ पर)